The Edfest
I missed the Royals tying their knot. Instead drove over to Combe Martin, Devon for the 50th birthday celebration party of Ed, an ex Walker/Elevon contractor. He had arranged a party in his field, BBQ, bands and drink.
I arrived in the afternoon, and was immediately spotted by other ex-Walker people, Phil Blunt and Paul Dixon. Tent erected, bacon and egg role duly cooked and eaten, and then a few beers to tide the afternoon over before the festivities.
Met up with Ed, who was overseeing the stage and bar, had a chat with Mary and was introduced to Ed’s son, Bob who would be entertaining us later in the evening. It was Bob’s 18th birthday celebration as well. Now we must not confuse Bob, with the other Bob, who severed beer all night. Bob the purveyor of beer was to me Glastonbury Bob.
A few bottles of beer later Tessa and Robin arrived to enhance the crowds. Music was played, the BBQ was lit, and a very dedicated villager proceeded to BBQ anything and everything presented to him.
Alas the bands stopped at midnight, and instead the phones were plugged into the PA system to entertain the stragglers around the fire until 6.30 am. I have a question for those who regularly stay up late, why did the cockerels start crowing when it was seemingly still pitch dark.
Was left slightly annoyed with Paul Dixon. He borrowed my camera, and I have to admit his pictures did appear rather more dynamic, atmospheric and generally better than mine. I can’t blame the equipment.
Made it to my tent for a short sleep, and the breakfast of Bacon and Egg butty before a walk down to the sea.
More pictures from the party can be seen here on EdFest gallery, Combe Martin. Yes rather too many, but I want everyone who was there to have an opportunity of remembering the event from their perspective.