Rosemary and I went to The Globe Theatre to watch the Shakespeare play Julius Caesar. Travelled down by coach with a group of thespian groupies from Dinton for an evening performance. We drank our G&Ts & Pims and ate our supper on the coach ride down, arriving in plenty of time. While waiting to take our seats, we were were entertained by a puppet show about Julius Caesar conquering the Gauls, very much spoken in Baldric style. (Don’t tell the organiser of the trip, but this to me was more fun and livelier than the actual play.)
We had pretty good seats at the centre front of The Globe. I have to admit the cheap standing area at the bottom looked fun, where some of the acting took place amongst the audience., although standing for over 2 hours might have been a tad tedious. There was plenty of fake blood and Romans throwing themselves on the swords in pure Shakespearean theatre.

Selfie looking into The Globe Theatre. Note am dressed up (ie have shirt on).
The weather managed to stay clement for most of the performance, with the predicted rain appearing an hour late to drizzle in the last few minutes of the show. We were seated under cover. Afterwards quick walk back to the coach and home.
The Globe Theatre looks a little incongruous set near to the Tate Modern and dwarfed by the modern expensive flats that surround it on all sides other than the river.