26th February 2025
In the continuing drama of the pond:
A couple of mallard ducks came to visit. They did not stay long, probably chased off by the moorhens.
The moorhens were around for most of the week, swimming and walking across the grass.
A fox paid us several visits during the week. Looking for a mate?
There was a fabulous display by the grey heron, who also caught a frog and devoured it in front of the camera.
A jay came around one day, and worked its way through the leaves looking for food.
A couple of male pheasants walked past the pond. One behind the other, escapees from a shoot.
Rabbits were much in evidence, dashing from one side of the pond to the other.
Some crows took the opportunity of a frozen pond to practise their ice skating.
One grey squirrel was seen in the trees, fat after feeding on our bird feeders.
The starlings have been in evidence on the field, and did appear for a short while in front of the cameras.
Unfortunatley one of the cameras had the incorrect date set. Time, Month and Day were correct, but the year was 2024, where it should have been 2025.

00:00 Mallard Ducks
00:24 Fox
01:09 Grey Heron
02:30 Grey Heron & Frog
06:28 Jay
07:43 Moorhen
08:57 Pheasant
09:31 Rabbit
09:55 Crows `
10:37 Squirrel
10:45 Starlings