15th March 2025
The preceding fortnight has been characterised by predominantly dry conditions and clear skies. While for a few days we experienced warmer temperatures, the majority of the period was marked by cold weather, with the pond occasionally freezing over.
A variety of avian species graced the area. A blackbird was observed foraging amongst the leaf litter, while a muntjac deer made a solitary appearance, browsing on the grass near the pond. A collared dove was also sighted at the water’s edge. A fox visited the vicinity on several occasions, sometimes venturing close to the camera and at other times traversing the pond’s perimeter beneath the overhanging vegetation. During one such visit, the fox startled a moorhen, which promptly sought refuge in the pond. A jay was also noted as an occasional visitor.
The relationship between the mallards and moorhens has shown signs of improvement compared to the previous years, when the mallards were consistently driven off. While minor skirmishes still occur, the mallards have managed to maintain their presence.
A male pheasant, likely an escapee from a nearby shoot, continues to inhabit the area. The exact origin of the pheasant remains uncertain, as there are currently no active shoots within a significant radius.
Finally, the rabbit population has flourished, providing a vital food source for the various carnivores that roam the region.