This week was a short week in Edinburgh, just the three days. I have also made a change in the flights, now flying from Luton instead of Birmingham. Since the summer season has started, the flight back to Birmingham was a bit too late or too early. I wanted a nice 16.00 flight back so that I was not to late home in the evening.
Well it all started pretty well, caught the 7.55 Easyjet from Luton and arrived on time at Edinburgh. It was a miserable day though, raining in Buckinghamshire and raining in Edinburgh. Rosemary told me the weather in London was Thunderstorms, Hail and Snow. Very very Frightening.
Back into the Apex City with the lovely walk in showers, and yet again I add to my collection of ducks.
Evening was a meal at the Petit Paris, Tomato and Basil soup followed by Coq Oh Vin, then a couple of pints with Ed.
Wednesday was a mixture of showers and sun. Started bright but cold. In the evening had a quick meal at Petit Paris, then onto Whistle Binkies and Bannermans for some rock music. Quite entertaining.
Thursday I caught the earlier (16.30) flight back to Luton. Was a bit delayed.