Stoke Mandeville
On Saturday I travelled to Hundred House and did some paragliding. Unfortunately on one lading on the slope I heard a load crack. I assumed my boot had broken. My ankle hurt, so I packed up and drove home. Gear changing was awkward as pressing the clutch down hurt my foot.
In the morning my ankle was too sore to walk on. Rosemary took the day off and we visited A&E at Stoke Mandeville. X-rays taken within minutes, and then a five hour wait for the doctor. Left after seven hours with my leg below the knee in plaster. I had broken the small leg bone near the foot. Some talk of having to have an operation and plate inserted, but as the bone had not moved and I had been walking on it then plaster will be sufficient. What a disaster, when will be be back in the air?
The issue had been my landing. Not breaking and not standing up in the harness when landing. Result was foot hit the ground at a fast forward speed. Silly boy.