Plough and Anchor decking
This Friday was a relief from Thursday’s storms. Started off a wonderful day, never clouded over completely, but there were some very nice flat-bottomed cumulus clouds around.
Popped out with John Curd, John Mitchell, and Tony Diggory for a lunch time drink. I had a couple of pints of Abott ale.
Picked Rosemary up from work, fairly late, and then to the Plough and Anchor for a drink. It was very pleasant sitting outside on the new decking area under the rush roof with all our friends from Kingswood and Grendon.
Barbara and Tony were there with their new offspring Thomas. He is so quiet and amenable. Quite how he managed to sleep through Brimstone playing at Selina’s wedding is anyone guess. Not sure Barbara appreciated the comment from a guest who mentioned that this was Thomas’s first Rock concert and maybe he would become a Black Sabbath fan.