The Berkshire Branch of the Cambridge Society spring weekend away was in North Devon, starting Friday 21st May 2010. The first visit was Dunster. The weather was excellent, bright sunny weather fro all three days. On the way down we stopped at Dunster Castle. We then made our way to Barnstaple where we stayed in the Imperial Hotel for two nights. Smart hotel, with a dress code. Rosemary noticed that one of the waiters was making a move to eject me from the dining room, but was stopped by the head waiter. Next day I dressed a little more formally.
The Saturday was spent visiting Lundy Island.

First stop was Dunster Castle for lunch and a tour around the castle

On Saturday we caught a ferry to Lundy Island, where there were various trips to participate in. I walked the length of the island.

The Sunday morning had us at the National Trust house of Arlington Court which opened early for us so we could miss the tourists.

On the way home we stopped off for cream teas at Waters Meet
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