The 2004 album, pictures from the Cambridge / Oxford boat race. The Berkshire Cambridge Society in Hastings, Edinburgh, The graduation ceremony of Selina, Holiday in Guernsey, Portmerion, Kingswood against Wotton tug of war, a visit to see some Wolves, Wotton open day and Selina’s first marriage.

The annual Cambridge versus Oxford boat race on the River Thames. The Berkshire branch of the Cambridge Society organised a trip to the Wetlands Centre followed by a viewing of the race from St Pauls school. This later being organised by the Surrey branch. Sunday 28th March 2004

Photographs of Edinburgh during 2004 while I was working at the Royal Bank of Scotland

The annual tug of war between Wotton Underwood and Kingswood. I am afraid Wotton won the event again. Held on the 31st May 2004 on a warm sunny day.

Graduation of Selina at Liverpool University, where she received a first-class degree in Classics.