Still sitting here waiting for the 13.25 to Edinburgh to leave. Every half hour it gets delayed by more than another half hour. So will it ever fly? Presently it is showing as leaving at 15:40. Yesterday it didn’t leave till almost 17:00. Will I get home in time for Ladymead Joinery’s Christmas party at The Plough and Anchor? Looks like a tight schedule.
At least I am not flying to Heathrow, if I was I expect I would be spending Christmas in Edinburgh. The British airports are too busy, so a little fog soon causes delays and cancellations. Time to double the number of runways and build a little redundancy into the transport system. B****r all those Nimbies who bought their houses near to airports, knowing full well that planes make a small amount of noise. (Which is getting lesser every few years, with better engine design.)
The food at Edinburgh airport is quite nice. There is this French run place that serves excellent tarts. They are so good looking and yummy tasty in the mouth.
Must go and buy a magazine, as the power on this battery is getting low.