The postponed tug of war between Wotton and Kingswood was held this Bank Holiday Monday. Weather not so hot, but sun did show and it never rained. Good food as usual, and a few beers. Fifty or so attended, not many though from Kingswood. Will have to expend a bit more effort in getting people out to the event.
Wotton won the mens and womens tug of war, while the children from Kingswood were victorious. Pictures in due course.
After the BBQ, had a drive in a Honda go cart-on George and Annie’s field. Time trials, alas I was last, but then I don’t have the practice and I was only a couple of seconds behind. [Editor’s note: Steve had about 40+ years on his opponent, G&A’s eldest grandson, during these trials.]
Ate at the pub in Ludgershall with George and Annie. Pretty good value and very well presented. Well worth a visit.