Rosemary has reported that my weeding of the pond has caused disruption in Moorhen World. The weeding from the pond is still on the bank, (allowing the pond life which was removed to wander back into the water at their leisure). Alas they are too near the bank, and the increase in height compounded by the slippery mud has made it difficult for the moorhen to get out of the pond. Rosemary was attracted to this plight by considerable squawking and splashing as the moorhen tried to surmount the bank side. Why it didn’t try an easier route is anyone’s guess.
No food reviews for Wednesday
Disaster has struck. Part way through Wednesday I started to feel a little unwell. I managed to struggle on through the day feeling shivery and cold. Straight back to the hotel and into bed. Soon up to be very sick. That brought me some relief. I really think it must have been the Razor Clams.
So no food this evening, just tried to sleep and drink small sips of water.
The next day I had a meeting with a Life Assurance Company. They were going to take me out for lunch at All Bar One. This I declined, eating only [half] a small sandwich at lunch.
Back to the Petit Paris
The day started bright and sunny. It ended in drizzle, though I managed to miss it. Had a quick drink with some colleagues from the bank, before making my way back to the hotel and supper.
Ate at the Petit Paris. The waiter spotted me through the window and beckoned me in. He thought he had not seen me for seven months. I am sure I have eaten there more recently.
Ate a lamb shank, salad and a pitcher of red wine.
Razor clams
Up at 05.45 to catch the 7.00 flight from Luton to Edinburgh. I had expected to be kept awake during the night by the storm, or my active thoughts which always occur when I am leaving early. Nope. Had a good night, and woke just before the alarm.
No storm, but it had just started to rain. Luton was fine, though the queues at the security have grown since the summer rush. Must be enforced holidays during the slack period.
Boarded the plane on time, but we sat and sat for ages without moving. The pilot eventually said they were having trouble calibrating the inertial navigation system because of the turbulence rocking the aircraft. They would have to taxi to another area, and then try to re-calibrate. So off he went to near the runway, and parked facing the wind. Another 10 minutes and we were ready, so off we went. The flight, what storm?, it was quite calm, and of course landing up north was pretty quiet as well. The only event I noticed was the very high cloud top. It was ages before we broke through the cloud, and even then we were only just above the top of the storm clouds.
Edinburgh is like Aylesbury; in a construction boom. Grassmarket, where I am staying at the Apex, is totally a building site. Princes Street is a work in progress with new gas mains, water mains and the tram going in. Saint Andrews Square garden was closed all last year for the reconstruction of the garden, it is still closed, but now the road is being dug up for the gas mains.
Had lunch with Mary in a caff near the bus station. Great meeting up with her again.
Ate at the Mussel and Steak. Had the mussel pot for mains, and razor clams for starters. Interesting things, razor clams. Very firm meat, tasting of the sea. Unusual and an experience. Might have something different to eat next time though.
Pond weeding
Did a bit of weeding of the pond on Sunday. Removed the floating island of waterlily and various other plants including a bramble. Trimmed back the shallow water plants which were creating their own rafts.
Had to do some wading to achieve this. Remembered to remove my mobile phone from my jeans before I started, but alas left my credit cards and notes in my pocket. Ah well, they dried out and the cards, of course, still work.
Replanted a bit of the waterlily back into the depths, so hopefully it will live and show as some nice flowers this year.
Now looking forward to the storm predicted to break during the night.
Joys of Online Booking Systems
We have a Pepys themed walked with the Berkshire branch of the Cambridge Society in London for Saturday 29th March. I’ve always wanted to see “The Mousetrap”, so after much dithering (& gasping at ticket prices) we decide yes & I try to book tickets for the evening performance on Saturday.
The website I use has several points during the booking process when it warns you it will time out if you do not complete the “form” within so many minutes. I struggle through and am not timed out. Finally, the stupid website announces it needs my Verification details, ie not the PIN nor the three digits on the back of the card, but some other stupid number. I’ve never set one up with the bank, but Steve, unbeknown to me, has. Website times out, so Steve says out of the way and he’ll do it on his card. Much hissing and panicking as Steve logs into the site but it still demands he types in all his details. He gets the tickets. Curiously they are not the ones it offered me. Never get the same twice running, he says. I look more closely. Why did you book for Friday 28th, I ask? Much screaming ensues. What to do? Go up two days running? Sell them on ebay?
Inspiration strikes me and I ask if Steve has any points from his hotel stays left over? Result – we’re going up Friday morning & will stay overnight on Friday and we’re even getting lifts to and from the station.
Another week at the grocers in Bristol
I had a whole week in Bristol completing the software installation. This week I was accompanied by the project manager and various others from the company for whom I work.
I have managed to work out the traffic to some extent, and can now make it to the office and back with no mistakes. I have also figured out some of the restaurants, been able to eat well and actually walk about Bristol without too much fear and trepidation. Did wonder at all the young women running down Park Street all with the same T-shirts. Seemed to be some student organised binge drinking contest. Was I so young once? [Editor’s comment “Still are”]
Working for a Grocer
Tonight I am staying in Bristol doing a software install with a client. Will be here for a couple of weeks, and then on and off for a while.
Easy drive up to Bristol, then 45 minutes of hell getting across the city. Next Monday must find a new route. It’s been suggested driving around Bristol to Portishead and then into the office which is near by. Typically Google did not suggest the route.
Another Google complaint, getting to the hotel, I searched for the location using its postcode. Google located it, but threw away all the postcode other than BS1, and sent me to some where near the hospitals. Could not find the place at all, rang the hotel and they gave me directions. Over two miles away I found the hotel. The guy I spoke to at the hotel phone, said they had emailed Google several times about this postcode problem.
Ah well, next time I shall use the complete street address. At least I now know where the hotel is. Now to find some nice eating establishments.
New pictures from 1975
I have added a couple more galleries from 1975 to the website. (We were given some slides found in Linnington Cottage and I’ve scanned & adjusted them.)
My last days at Cambridge University, Graduation Day
Pictures of Lodge Farm during the construction of the grain store with me, Peter, Mike and Betty and the Gawthrops.
Stowe Landscape Gardens
Another sunny by cool day saw us going to Stowe Landscape Gardens in the hope of seeing snowdrops. Stowe is a posh private school set in some wonderful gardens and park land. The school though does not maintain the gardens, which is done by the National Trust, so the poor lads and lasses have to put up with us plebs wondering around.
We did see some snowdrops (and winter aconites), though no way as good as the masses we had seen in the Cotswolds a few years ago
There are some lovely lakes at the park and trees with wonderful structure. Here’s a tree and a lake to feast your eyes on:
After a quick morning tour, we rushed back home for Sunday lunch at The P&A, courtesy of Ladymead Joinery. Must have been a good occasion, we were there for four hours.