My last two days in Edinburgh are over. I am not sure when I will be back there. I had a pleasant evening exploring a number of hostelries in the city and sampling a few malts. One a small bar was called the Jinglin Geordie Bar on Fleshmarket Close.
I also managed to get home on Thursday, the ash cloud moved off to the West of Ireland, and all the airports resumed operation to allow me home. Arrived back home, picking some fish and chips up on the way. Rosemary was out working as a polling officer in a nearby village.
I watched the the ending of the poll on TV, and was dismayed to hear the Gordon Brown would be hanging on to power despite losing the election. How anyone can think that he and Alistair can get us out of this financial crisis after it was Gordon’s bad management of our economy that got us where we are. All the favourable aspects of his rule of our economy, like low inflation have nothing to do with his leadership, but much to do with the world economy, India, Brazil and China. Instead he has just squandered our money on bureaucracy in the hospitals, paying GPs and consultants far to much.
He and Tony have dithered on our power systems, and when the lights start to go out in a few years time, I expect it will be the party in power that will feel the anger of the electorate, and not the cause of the crisis, Gordon and Tony.