This appeared in our garden and I managed to capture a picture of him through the conservatory window. Wonder how long he will stay around.
This balmy night’s too long
It must be around the longest night, cloudy and quite mild outside. The temperature dropped to -2C last night, somewhat warmer than the two previous nights where it made -12C on both nights.
A pity about the clouds this morning, was hoping to see the eclipse of the moon, the first time the eclipse of the moon has occurred on the same day as the winter solstice and a full moon for 372 years.
Yesterday we went Tesco shopping, first I had to find the shovel and dig a route through the snow to the main road. Then ventured out onto the road with Rosemary’s car. My car has taken exception to the cold weather, joined UNISON and has gone on strike. Don’t people drive so slowly and cautiously in these winter conditions. Parking at Tesco, easy, but leaving was a pain, everyone and their proverbial dog had decided to turn up while we were shopping, now I was stuck in the middle of two converging queues in the car park. Think quiet and placid thoughts.
So now all stocked up for Christmas, wood in the store shed, oil in the tank, turkey in the freezer and brussel sprouts on the stalk. Internet access working, what more could I want for a peaceful and good wishes to all man kind holiday.
Looked outside, and it has just started snowing again, looks like we will get our white Christmas this year. Time for some coffee, checked the store cupboard and we have over a Kilo of beans in stock. Yippeee!!!
There’s a chill in the air, nobody could care.
It was a tad nippy last night. The mercury fell to -11C or in old money 12.2F. That temperature is also 471.87 Rankine, -8.8 Reaumur and 262.15 Kelvin.
The Plough and Anchor pub almost caught fire last night. They had installed a wood burner, but placed the flue against the wood lintel. This was smouldering quite fiercely when I entered the pub. The chef was spraying water inbetween the stonework and the wood. Pub talk was all about the Crooked Billet and the planned New Year rave. Let’s hope it goes ahead without any trouble.
Today it has started to snow and has been doing so for the past 3 hours. The traffic on the main road is now quite limited.
The West is the Best
I am in Torbay. I arrived by train from Bicester. There were 2 changes of train, with only 6 minutes between predicted arrival and departure. Both changes were made in ample time. We have something to be proud of. Our railways.
The journey was in cold mist all the way to Exeter, where at last the sun came out. The journey along the coast, just feet from the breaking waves is spectacular. It must be incredible when the wind is blowing hard.
Tired, so eating in the hotel today, a pint and a snack. Staying in the Imperial. Look at the wedding photographs of Lucy’s wedding and you will see the hotel lights at night from across the bay.
Baby it’s cold outside
I won’t pretend the weather is a tad nippy at the moment. Last night was the coldest this winter. Managed a ball shrivelling -4 and we are not yet in December. Today we are told that this year is either the hottest or second hottest year on record.
Linda and Mike at Arcais
The final week of our holiday was staying in the Marais, exploring the local waterways and coast.
Southern France 2009
Still catching up with the gallery of pictures. After the Merlin TV set, we headed on South past Paris, to the Mediterranean and spent a week camping with our good friends John and Carol.
Some sample pictures from the Gallery
France 2009, Pierrefonds the BBC Merlin castle
Well better late than never. Here is the start of our French holiday to France in 2009. This is a visit to the BBC Merlin set in France, the Pierrefond castle. The pictures in the gallery show the Pierefond castle, and the BBC sets. Enjoy.
Guernsey 2010 holiday snaps have been posted.
We have been on our usual visit to Guernsey for a week, staying at La Grande Mare. John and Carol came with us. The pictures from this holiday have now been posted for viewing.
Celebrated my advancing years at the Auberge Restaurant for Sunday lunch. Cool meal. The rest of the week was divided up between, me cooking (breakfast chef), and John the head chef performing miracles with aquatic creatures.
Day tripper
Good day in Edinburgh, production system configured at client. One new error found while testing. Should have that sorted on Monday, and delivered.
Ended up with time to spare, so have bought a coffee and a chocolate muffin from Cafe Nero. Yes a Cafe Nero has opened in Edinburgh airport, and they stamp your loyalty cards. Costa you have to change.
Now a long wait, was not able to change my flight to the 6.00 pm. The last seat had gone.