Went to the BFR at the Reading Rivermead Lesure centre. I listened to the lecture on how to deploy, check and repack your emergency parachute instructions.
After that I queued up for the deployment practise. Here you were suspended on an aerial runway in your harness, in a precarious angle to simulate your position when everything was going wrong. You were released to slide down the runway wire; you went for your reserve parachute and chucked it out. It then opened behind you.
Next with the allocated partner you repacked your parachute. This took almost two hours. Then to see if it worked, we went for another ride down the wire to see if the home packing worked. It did!!
A final repack, now down to one hour for my chute and my partner’s chute.
During the day I saw Mike, Brian and Derrick from the Annecy trip.