What horrible weather in Edinburgh and RBS
From the title, you can see I am back in Edinburgh. I flew up here on Tuesday. It was wet and raining as I left home, just a continuation from Monday.
I arrived in Edinburgh late, (air traffic problems because of the bad weather), to a wet raining, low cloud base day. I think it never stopped raining all day. My hotel is out at the airport and is called a quality hotel. Quality indeed. The festival appears to have used up all the hotel rooms in Edinburgh.
In the evening had a few drinks with Simon Stone and Andy Laing at Tiles. Afterwards walked up to the Grassmarket for a quick meal at the The Petit Paris. I was greeted like a long lost friend by the young spiky haired waitress. She wondered where I had been for the last few weeks. Had a nice meal of deep fried filo wrapped goats cheese, followed by Sea Bass fillets done in an Olive and Tomatoe sauce.
Then it was back to the hotel out by the airport.
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