Just spotted an Ozzfest in the O2 arena for September 18th. So far the following bands are playing: Ozzy Osbourne, Korn, Murderdolls, Skindred. Lots more bands to be announced, two stages. I have bought my standing ticket. https://www.ozzfest.com http://www.o2blueroom.co.uk/events/Ozzfest-2010/383
Category Archives: Entertainment
I am so happy to be alive.
Yes, today the delivery man arrived at 8.30 with our Glastonbury tickets. Yes its official the Blasdales are off to Glastonbury. I am so so excited, while Rosemary is treating this with trepidation.
The 90th Birthday Celebrations for Rosemary’s mum
The 90th Birthday Celebrations for Rosemary’s mum, Win, held in The Wigeon Room, Titchfield Haven Visitor Centr. New picture album of the festivities have been added.
Glastonbury Festival 2009 – Saturday
Saturday arrived, and the sun was up, the tent was soon unbearably hot, so had to unzip the doors. Eventually got up, made coffee and some bacon butties. The topic of conversation with the neighbours was the death of Michael Jackson. Quick browse on the Internet confirmed the news and the weather forecast for the day. Off then to find a loo without huge queues. Some closed as they were about to overflow and needed to be pumped out. Water was also a problem, as peak times the pressure is so low.
Today I decided to commit myself to one stage and that was the Pyramid stage. So armed with my camping seat I headed off to the Pyramid, and set myself up just behind the path which crosses in front of it.
The first band I got to see were the Eagles of Death Metal, followed on by Spinal Tap. With these two bands I relaxed back in the sun, drinking the odd pint of Gales Festival Brew.
At 4.00, it was then some rap from Dizzee Rascal. Now I am not really a rapper, but I do admit this was not too bad, there were some highlights, especially the tributes to Michael Jackson who had only just died.
It was one of those mysteries, as I walked about the previous evening, all these people you come up to you and shout, Michael Jackson is dead. It took a while before I believed the story, it could have been one of those rumours that a few people could have started, and which would then spread like wildfire.
After Dizzee Rascal, we were back to the old timers, with Crosby Stills and Nash. They went through so many more songs that I recognised, it was a real walk back down memory lane
Now a band I had never heard of called Kasabian came on. Quick text to Selina to find out what I should expect. Turned out to have a few songs you could dance and sing along too. Great stuff.
Finally at 10.00 Bruce Springsteen and the E band came on. He performed for 2 hours and 40 minutes, never stopping at any time. He not only sings well, but must be fantastically fit. One image sticks in my mind, Bruce standing there in the cold air, lights behind him steaming away in his sweat. One or two of the youngsters with attention defecit thought he was on for too long. And no “Born in the USA”.
Ah well all good things come to an end, made my way back stopping off for a green Thai curry.
Glastonbury Festival 2009 – Friday
Thursday had ended with a few showers and the odd flash of lightening. Friday I was awoken at 4.00am by the persistent sound of falling rain, which went on until 10:00. I had to move stuff around the tent; it didn’t seem quite so waterproof these days. At the sound of the rain easing, I was up and out in my underpants making a spectacle of my self in front of my neighbours. Then it was on to making bacon baps and coffee, and chatting to my neighbours, the three girls who had materialised in a tent next door overnight.
The grass outside was wet, and no sign of the Glastonbury mud on the campsite. Still boots on today, and waterproofs would probably be good insurance. I walked over to the Pyramid Stage through quite a bit of mud. Wet fields and thousands of footsteps; always result in the generation of mud. As one compere over in the Circus Field said, stop walking about, come in and sit down, you are only making it worse for yourselves.
First stop for the day at Bjorn Again on the Pyramid Stage, where I had an excellent sing along to Abba’s greatest hits.
Most of the bands after Bjorn Again I had not heard of, so decided to try something a little different. Went to the Circus Field and got drawn into a tent with rush matting by the comper who had said, stop walking about, come in and sit down, yeou are only making it worse for yourselves. Oh and it had started to piss down with rain as well. Spent over an hour or so listening to a couple of shows which were mixtures of comedy and circus act. The themes were juggling on top of monocycles, and getting the audience to participate in one way or another.
Moved on to the large tent, The Astrolabe in Glebeland Arena for an audience participation show by Jonathan Kay where eventually we were persuaded to go on stage, and were trained to sing and do basically silly things. This was the training and indoctrination part of the show, because we were next taken into the outside world (it had stopped raining) and as a group had to accost strangers and act oddly. Yes we went to one
stage which was warming up for a gig, cheered and appeared as a big audience to a small band, and when we where acknowledged we all walked off to target someone else. This time some poor targets at a coffee shop received our attention. Yes we walked around as a co-ordinated team, singing, forcing others to sing and participate in stupid antics, forcing the mounted police to walk down our funnel of people.
When not having a specific target we walked around doing emu impressions. Amazingly, a substantial part of the team stayed together for this hour of audience brainwashing.
Walked on up the hill and to the bar by the acoustic stage and cinema, and participated in a well-rewarded drink and then something to eat. Had something somewhere to eat and then tried to walk from the other stage to the pyramid stage, and got stuck entirely as two groups of people walking in opposite directions tend to do. I was aiming to see The Specials play. Managed to make it there through the people and the mud in time to see the second song. Afterwards it was Neil Young, but decided to see the Blockheads play over in Avalon. Stopped by the Jazz Stage to pick up some grub. Decided on some Arab food, chicken cooked in some kind of crust.
Made it to the Avalon Stage with time to spare, but first popped into Trash City. It was open and looked fantastic, with robot creatures, flame jets synced to the music. It looked like some futuristic set from a scifi film. Harrison Ford would not have looked out of place. Really should have stayed, but the Blockheads at Glastonbury 2009 were calling. Listened to all the classic hits, “Hit me with your rhythm stick”, “Reasons to be cheerful, part 3” and “My name is Trevor”. Enjoyable. The reason why
I had to see the Blockheads was because Ian Dury was going to play Glastonbury the last time I went, back in 1999, and alas he never made it because of ill health, and he died the year after.
Back to the tent, against the tide of humanity who were exiting the main stages for the delights of the night clubs of Trash City, Avalon , Arcadia and Shangri-La.
Today, went out for a drink with Mary and Ed. Afterwards I went to the Bongo Club. Some metal bands were playing. The Bongo Club is on Holyrood road. Walk down Cowgate towards the parliament. The road changes in to Holyrood, and on the left is the Bongo Club.
Reasonable venue, but rather cold, probably because there were only 30 or so there. I reckon I must have been the only paying person, all the rest were from the bands and hangers on.
Should have started at 9.00, but did not start till 10. Three bands played, ending at 12.30.
The bands in order were, Turbyne, Sweet Zombie Jesus and then Gutworm.
Turbyne, were young, but actually quite a good band. Think there were 5 in the line up.
Gutworm were the older band and definitely the best. Noise and metal at its best The other bands definitely looked up to them. They should be playing in Rushden on the 25th November and the White Swan in High Wycombe on December 3rd. Well worth a visit.
Drove to Manchester in the afternoon to the Manchester Evening News Arena to see the band called Rammstein. They are a German Industrial Metal Band. The show was excellent with two staged encores. They played many favourites and most of the tracks from their new album Reise Reise. The effects were fabulous with fireworks and flame throwers. At times there where eight 20 foot high flames on the front of the stage alternating with similar flames at the back of the stage.
Rammstein were supported by a Finnish band called Apocalyptica which consisted of 4 Cello players and a drummer playing Rock.
Back home and to bed by 2.30am, not a bad trip home after I managed to escape Manchester. Need sat nav. On my want list.
The Ozzfest 2002 Donington Park
Today I went to the Ozzfest at Donington Park. The drive up there was very easy and I parked just outside gate 12. Met up with Selina in the queue for the beer tent. Met some of her mates from the Liverpool University Rock Society. They had all come on a coach which had just arrived minutes before I arrived.
There were two stages, the main stage outside, and the Kerrang stage inside. I did not visit the Kerrang stage. The list of bands that played on the main stage were:
Zakk Wylde’s Black Label Society I have never heard of them, I was quite impressed and will look out for their music.
Drowning Pool
Mad Capsule Markets Japanese band. Just my type of music
lostprophets Umm
Millencolin Umm
Slayer OK
Cradle of Filth Selina has some CD by them. I did enjoy the show. I really liked the tee shirt they had on sale, wish I had taken some extra cash. Not sure when I could have worn it though.
System of a Down Selina has a CD by them, I was not very impressed.
Tool Another band I really enjoyed. On my buy list now.
Ozzy Osbourne I am afraid I did not stay long watching Ozzy. I have seen him before, I was cold and wet and wanted to miss the queues going home. I do though sometimes feel he has some good songs from the early 70’s, but he is getting a bit past his well by date.
The weather was a bit of a let down, one time it really pelted down, with rain and hail. I was stuck at the front and was unable to find room in the crush to put on my waterproof. Took quite a while to dry out. Other times I was a little more successful. I also did not like the way a whole area was cordoned of at the front of the stage allowing a few thousand access to the front, while the rest of us plebes were kept a long way back. I did feel this destroyed the atmosphere, as there was not a really good mosh pit.
Why do the young kids pick on me to give them a leg up so they can crowd surf?
Lenny Henry
All happens in one day. Should have gone to the gun club committee meeting in the P&A this evening. But discovered on Tuesday I had tickets to the Lenny Henry show at the Civic Centre for us all.
So this evening we watched Lenny Henry. He was very funny, much better than I expected. The show he gave was about his family and life, when his family came over from the West Indies and lived in Dudley. How he grew up. It was very funny and much appreciated by the audience.