Stayed in on Wednesday. Had to watch some television, the Tulip hotel Internet connection was down. I am sure most times I visit that hotel the Internet is down. So saw an episode of Hero’s followed by Ann Widdecombe on Prostitution. She totally dismissed the forward thinking approach of New Zealand. A bit of a bigot I am afraid.
Author Archives: Steve
Drove to Gateshead today to work on a Java web application change wanted by a customer of ours. Journey was not bad other then a section around the M1/M18 junction where I was stopped for 40 minutes.
In the evening met up with Mike and Reiko at their house in Newcastle. It is very large and still has lots of original Victorian features. The foot high skirting boards, the moldings and the fireplaces are all in place on the ground floor.
Staying at the Tulip Inn.
Today the gate on the footpath between us and our neighbours was installed. The neighbours over the weekend also dug a large pond in their garden.
The local pub is part way through installing a conservatory, and building a sitting out area around the back. They’ve also started landscaping at the front – some good hanging baskets to attract the punters, perhaps.
The weekend saw Rosemary and I travel to Norwich to stay with Mike and Ann. Took masses of photographs which will be up the the site soon. Saturday saw us go to Winterton-on-sea for a walk along the beach and sand dunes in the bright clear sunny weather we are at last having. The windmills on Scroby sand acting as a futeristic backdrop.
Sunday was a broadland day at the South Walsham. Here they have walks through the wood which is cut through by masses of dykes. Lots of wildlife, very quiet and peaceful. Took masses of photos of which one or two are reasonable. There was the opportunity to take a boat trip on two broads, Soth Walsham Inner & Outer ones, which allowed me to take some close-ups of the bird life. Rosemary will fill in the names of these.
Disaster struck. After my good meal at the Mai-Thai, I went down with the flu. No coincidence there, I was feeling a cold coming on that evening. I even took a day off when out on site, spending the day in bed at the hotel. Lovely fruit bowl to see me through the day. Grapes, strawberries, figs, oranges, banana and apples. The other days I worked, but felt really terrible by the end of each day. The flight back home on Friday was purgatory, despite leaving on time and arriving very early I was longing for it to finish, except for the excruciating pain on my ear drums.
The next week I took off from work. There was no way I was flying back up to Scotland the way I was feeling. Which was really a pit as I missed out on my fifth Edinburgh fringe festival.
Edinburgh Festival about to start
This week is the Jazz Festival, and the most wonderful day in recent history. Sunshine all day, though a little cold. The Easyjet flight left almost on time, and now I am pre-checking in on the Internet and the zero security queues at Luton, I get an extra 30 minutes in bed at home.
Lovely meal at the Mai-Thai.
Hot and sour soup of prawns flavoured with lemon grass, kaffir lime and chilli
Char-grilled sliced sirloin steak dressed with chilli, cucumber, Thai celery, tomato and red onion
Sunshine at last
The weekend, the sun shone at home. OK rained Saturday night, but Sunday was lovely. Was able to catch up on the grass mowing. Looking at the way the willows have grown this Summer there should be plenty of fuel for the Winter.
Did manage to get some of the galleries updated onto the web.
Cambridge Visit to the Docklands
There is still our Cornish and French holiday along with some photographs of the family from the sad occasion of the funeral of Jean Blasdale. They should be available in the next few weeks.
Another week in Edinburgh
Not so wet this week. Walked to work in shirtsleeves most days. Very brave thing to do when in Scotland.
On Monday met up with Jimmie and had a few pints and a Chinese Meal in that Edinburgh Establishment of Jimmie Chungs, a Chinese buffet chain throughout Edinburgh. After eating there a visit for another drink and entertainment at the Burke and Hare. Finally Whistle Binkies for a nightcap and some life music. Must admit Jimmie Chungs was not that bad and quite cheap. The Burke and Hare also was selling pints of Stella at £3.00 which is not too dear.
Tuesday met with Ed and Mary, where we had some pints at the Doric, and a bite to eat. Haggis tatties and neaps for me. Why is there always a drunk trying to tell you there are better places to visit in Edinburgh; the real Edinburgh.
Wednesday was liver rest day.
Flight back on Friday was better than usual, only 30 minutes late, so home by 21.00.
Back home and the weekend.
Friday was yet another tedious day. Easyjet was 2 hours late departing. But then so were most airlines. Bad weather down South was to blame. Rumors also circulated that the roads out of Luton were all closed due to flooding. Luckily these were all clear before I arrived down there. Managed to crawl home by 10.00pm.
On Saturday we paid a visit to John and Carol for an excellent supper and a good old binge drink, staying the night. Menu was French, including the wines. None of that foreign stuff from around the world.
Sunday was a slow start recovering, then back home to that grass. The sun out, and no rain, so little excuse, the grass had to be tackled. Must be 6 weeks since it was last cut. Then a quick tour around the field with the strimmer cutting down any remaining thistles. Miles, bless the man, had topped the field while we were away. Probably necessary to allow the sheep some access to the remaining grass.
Needless to say the field pond was brim full, very unusual for the time of year.
Another new resturant in Edinburgh
One of those days when it rains, then hot sun and rain again. Lots of those at the moment. Managed to miss most of the showers, but was caught in one when on the way to lunch at the Café Royale for a pint of IPA with Mary and Ed.
In the evening I decided to try Shaws. I had been given a flyer the previous day. Shaws says they provide Scottish Cuisine with a Mediterranean influence. They also provide three course meals of good quality for £12.95. This cannot be bad, especially as I had gone over budget the previous day at the Indian resturant.
Started off with a duck salad. Small slices of duck breast served with some leaves and reduced balsamic vinegar. The duck was cooked so that it was very slightly pink. A good starter.
The main course was chicken breast stuffed with haggis, served with cream sauce, potatoes carrots and neaps. Again this was very good.
Finally ate a sticky toffee pudding.
Shaws must be new, it is slightly off the beaten track in that you would not walk past it. It is on 21 Old Fishmarket Close which is a very narrow alley running between the Royal Mile and Cowgate. I would recommend the place. They do the set three course dinners Monday through Thursday, and a cheaper lunch time menu. There are five or so choices on the set menu. They also have an A La Carte menu.
Their website is