Another cool day in Chicago. Work was exciting today. Big panic back in the UK required my attention. Roger was wanting to fly me back to the UK on the next plane, even paying for first class flights. Reason prevailed and I am still here. I though had a bad night sleeping, waiting for the phone call from the UK requiring me to rush to the Chicago office at 3.00 am. This never happened so hopefully the problems have been resolved.
Had a large New York Strip for supper, done a nice rare. For starters thin piece of tuna coated in sesame seeds. These were quite nice to eat. Afterwards took a walk around town. Saw a fire work display, the loud bangs echoing around the high rise buildings was something to be heard.
There was also an outdoor exhibition of photographs from around the world. All taken from the air showing natural and unnatural features of the world. Examples would be the Flamingos on Lake Nakuru, or the Blue Lagoon in Iceland, or a nudist beach in France, or the out runnings of waste water from a desalination plant in Kuwait, or the ships stranded in the dried out lake in Eastern Europe.