Decorations removed. Christmas tree placed on the woodpile awaitaing cremation. Selina back at uni. Christmas is now officially over.
Author Archives: Steve
The weather
It rained alot today. Raining onto already sodden land. Poor Rosemary had difficulty getting home, The roads across country from the Motor Way to home were closed, or if not closed, were flooded with several feet of water. She did make it back in the end.
New Years Eve
Main event for today was celebrating the new year at the Plough and Anchor pub. Ate and drank with Keith Baldwin, Vicki Dunckley, Vera Gordon, Austin Lovell ,Hugh Gordon, George Stanton, Annie Stanton.
We had an excellent buffet supper. Left the P&A sometime past 1, had a coffee with Keith and Vicki and eventually got to bed at 3.00.
David and Joan
Today David and Joan Atkinson, came over for lunch bringing with them Winnie. The day was dry and sunny. We had pitta bread and humus for starter and then for mains the Garry Rhodes two salmons.
The two salmons recipe is one piece of fried, fresh fried salmon fillet, and another piece of steamed, cold smoked salmon fillet served on a bed of mash potato and leak. All served with a butter sauce. Very good.
Afters was another Garry recipe of Cranberry Jelly.
They stayed for tea and left leaving Winnie for us to take back to her house on Sunday.
Clay Shoot and Lunch
Out for shooting at 10.30. Whole family went to the shoot, Selina did not shoot, but Graham the boy friend shot very well for someone who has not held a gun. The weather was warm, but windy and likley to rain at any time.
Vicky from next door brought her son (Matt), who had shot for the English team when younger. You could see from the way he shot he was in another league from us.
Next back to the Plough and Anchor for lunch and lots of beer. Had a special treat of the beer Spitfire.
Christmas Day
Christmas day was a sunny day, and warm. The news casts stated it was the warmest Christmas day for 26 years in the UK.
In fact we spotted a Bumble Bee and a Butterfly in the garden.
The day started with fizzy wine, and then a dip in the hot tub with a beer. Lunch was the usual late affair, followed by Turkey sandwiches for Tea.
Last night it rained and rained. The fields were covered with water. The main road to Aylesbury was closed because of flooding beneath the rail road bridge.
We had standing water by our poplar trees, and of course the ditch was overflowing
The AGM of the KC&RC was held in the village hall. Barry stepped down from the committee. Richard has taken up the post of Chairman; his main concern was he going to have to use computers. Mick to continue as secretary and Ian as the treasurer. I am still on the committee.
We decided to keep the club running in the same form. Some discussion on purchasing automatic traps, but again we have a couple we can use. Could we also advertise, or do something to get new members into the club. Peter said the P&A were coming to the Boxing Day shoot. Some members thought this was worthwhile and we should help and try and recruit a few
To the pub for a few pints of beer and some sandwiches, chips etc
Weekend in Norwich
This weekend we visited Norwich to see Ann and Mike. Quick drive over on Saturday morning, thought they were all out when we arrived. No car, no dog. Nice bean soup for lunch, then we were dropped off in Norwich to do some shopping while they went to Aylsham
Walked around Elm hill, not seeing much, we then proceeded to Country and Eastern to look at rugs etc. Here they pointed us to their larger shop at the old ice rink. Beautiful building filled with Persian rugs and furniture. Purchased an Afghan rug, and called Mike and Ann to pick us up
The evening was spent drinking, doing crosswords and training. Managed to show Mike how to browse the Internet, and see the pictures we had taken of Peter, Nick and the children before they had departed to NZ
Sunday was a horrible day, raining all day, cold and miserable. More reading of papers, more Internet training and lunch. Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding. Left at around 5.30 after the Brice’s arrived, for yet another quick drive home
Oxford with the Elevon team
While Karen Yanson was over here from the Elevon Chicago office discussing our implementation of XML, we decided to take a break in the evening and head over to Oxford. A quick tour of the city on foot and then a curry.