Nice weekend in Norwich with my Father and wife. We all visited Welles, and saw the house which Rosemary used to visit as a child.
Author Archives: Steve
Electricity power cuts
Power cuts at home all day. Visited the P&A for a few drinks with the regulars. Just before food was going to be served, the electricity men came in and announced the power was going off for 30 minutes.
In the end it was off for 60 minutes as they reconnected our transformer.
This Sunday was a day for walking with Wolves and petting Wolves. First it was up early and out for brunch with Peter Worsley and Catherine Side. The brunch was excellent, with cereal, juice, fruit, potatoes and black pudding.
Now it was off the woods where we met up the rest of the Cambridge Society and the Wolves. The UK Wolf Conservation Trust looks after the wolves. They are used to educate people and dispel myths about wolves. Additionally they are used to raise money for wolf conservation in other countries.
We allowed the wolves to identify us first by smelling out hands. We then had a two plus hour walk in the woods, following the wolves. At intervals we were allowed to pet the wolves. We approached cautiously, letting them smell our hands, then went behind them and stroked their underneath. Touching their tops was not recommended, as this is a dominant action.
After the walk we moved on to the actual wolf centre at Beenham. Here we saw the rest of the wolves.
Plough and Anchor fire
Today was the fire lighting day at the Plough and Anchor. Traditionally the fire is lit on the 1st October every year. Jake lit the fire, where upon the bar and restaurant was filled with smoke. It took quite a while before the draft was sufficient to draw all the smoke up the chimney. The fire will now remain continuously alight until spring.
We had a conker knock out competition, and Jake provided us with pies and excellent pickle onions. It was a truly excellent Friday evening.
Cambridge weekend – Sunday
Sunday started off cloudy. Drove to the Botanic Garden and had a 90 minute guided tour. The area around the pond had changed since we had last visited. During the walk, the weather improved.
After the walk, we walked on down to the Cambridge Arts Picture House to see a 1938 Hitchcock film called the “Lady Vanishes” starring Michael Redgrave. The file was introduced by his son Corin. Rosemary and I had not seen the film before and very much enjoyed the humour.
Afterwards she went to Fitzwilliam to see a performance by Corin Redgrave of “De Profundis by Oscar Wilde“. I went to the Cavendish Laboratory for a presentation of the proposed changes to the Physics department, and then a tour of the Physics departments. I saw some high vacuum experiments, high energy impact work, low temperature experiments with super conductors, and an explanation of fundamental particles and an experiment where they neutrino is being weighed.
It was then on home, with a stop at St Neots for a quick meal by the River. On the drive towards Milton Keynes we saw a very spectacular sunset.
Cambridge weekend – Saturday
We were up and into breakfast by 8.00. Continental breakfast, so there were croissants, and cheese and dried meats. Chatted to a teenage girl during breakfast, who had stayed the night in collage. She had been on an admissions day, and was touring a few universities to select the ones she was going to apply to. She was from central Edinburgh and was familiar with Whistle Binkies. A friend of hers had a band that played there on occasions.
Rosemary and I went out separate ways for the first event. She heard a talk on Portraits and Professions, while I went and saw a talk on “A Wonderful Thing is a Phillips Machine”.
The Phillips Machine is an analogue computer, which runs on the flow of water. It was build by an engineer after the 2nd world war to model the economy. You could see the effect of changing the interest rates, government borrowing, savings, imports. They were built in the 1950s. Of fourteen build this and one in New Zealand are the only ones, which work. Allan McRobie, a specialist in bridge design and dynamics gave the lecture and demonstrated the machine. He had spent considerable energy in rebuilding the machine.
Next we had a tour of the Computer Laboratory on the West side. We were shown some of the work, which is in progress at the university to do with new methods of interacting with a computer.
The first event of the afternoon was Question Time, chaired by BBC Edward Stourton. The question was, “Where is it all going to end”.
Afterwards we saw a presentation by Sir Christopher Frayling about the image of Scientists in Movies. Most of the examples were from older films, with very little from recent films. Rosemary spoke to Christopher and was a bit dismayed that he had never seen the TV series CSI, where scientists are shown in a good light.
Tonight we managed an evening meal at the Galleria restaurant. First though a pint of beer, I had a very reasonable pint of Woodfords from Norfolk. We then went to the Galleria; we had eaten there two years ago on the balcony overlooking the river. This year it was too cold to do that. Reasonable meal, we started with a Tiger Prawn Salad and a Pastrami Salad. Main course for Rosemary was Roasted Mushrooms, while I had Poached Monkfish.
Then it was back to college and bed.
Cambridge weekend – Friday
Friday was the first day of the Cambridge University Alumni weekend. We set off early (6.30), to beat the traffic and to book into Churchill College. Arrived at Churchill with what we thought was plenty of time, but, the booking we had made seemed to have been lost, despite Rosemary sending a confirmation email a few days ago. Luckily they still had some empty rooms, and we were eventually able to dump our stuff before going off to the Sidgwick site to register.
First visit was to the institute of Manufacturing on Mill Lane. They are part of the Engineering department. We were welcomed by Mike Gregory, head of IfM, and then heard a talk from Finbarr Livesey. The crux of the talk was, the country did not invest enough in R&D. Manufacturers who send their manufacture to low cost areas like China, should still manufacture some items in the home market. If they did not, then their R&D would lose the skills required to design for cheap manufacture. Oh and moving up the value chain, what was stopping the Chinese from doing the same.
We then had a demonstration of some robots, which are programmed by the students to perform tasks.
Afterwards we had a long lunch break wandering around Cambridge, before a tour of the Haddon Library in the faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology. Here we were treated to a simple demonstration of reconstructing written words from shredded documents.
On the same Downing Street site we had a tour of the Archaeology and Anthropology museum. The highlight for Rosemary and I was touching and feeling hand axes from a million years ago. We also touched many artefacts from the Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age and from Roman times. They also had the bow and arrow made on the BBC program by Ray Mears.
Before the opening reception we had a quick punt along the backs. Rosemary wanted a student to punt us, but instead she ended up with me. I thought I did very well, keeping a straight line and only losing the punt once in the mud. Unfortunately a couple at the reception saw me, and said I had been spotted by them losing the punt. The other complaint was from Rosemary, who thought I knew little of the colleges we passed.
We went to the Reception in the Fitzwilliam Museum, where the new wing has been opened. It was very smart. There was an exhibition of impressionists, with several pictures from Monet, Degas, Bourdin, and Pissaro. We met Peter Worsley and Catherine Side from the Berkshire Branch. We also met John Moore from the Buckinghamshire Branch.
There were some lovely canapés, and oodles of wine to be drunk.
Couldn’t hang around after the end, as we had to rush over to Robinson College to listen to a stand-up comic called Neil Mullarkey. Neil was educated at Robinson College, was president of Cambridge Footlights. He has acted in a number of films (Austin Powers), several TV programs. For his show he plays L.Vaughan Spencer, Life Coach, Self-Help Guru and Gangsta Motivator. Kind of based on an Ali G type character. He was rather amusing and did not descend into swearing.
A websites about Neil
I think the glass of wine at the interval was very large, so after the show it was straight back to the college and bed without supper. Thank goodness for the canapés.
Woodstock and Boarstall Tower
This weekend we went into Woodstock. Rosemary felt we had not been there for some years. Checkout out some expensive antique shops, you can tell where the market is aimed at when you see the newsagent selling the Herald Tribune.
Afterwards into Oxford to sit in traffic jams for a long time. Looking for more second hand shops, which we never found.
After visiting Woodstock and Oxford, we drove home across country. As we passed the National Trust Boarstall Tower we saw it was open. This is a superb gatehouse to Boarstall House, which was demolished in 1778. The owner had decided the house was evil. The tower is rented out to a tenant for over £4,500 a month, but is available for guided tours on Saturday. The tower is bounded by a moat on three sides. The fourth side had been filled in many years before.
Cafe Royal and my last day at RBS for how long?
Wednesday, this was my last day for the present assignment. This is also my last day with the bank as far as I can see. There seems nothing else to do.
Went out with Ed Aldridge and Mary Devine for a farewell lunch at the Cafe Royal, (sausages and mash).
Flight back to England, and then home.
Grape with RBS
Tuesday, today back in my hotel at the Rutland. Before the hotel, I met up with Shelley Ward, Simon Stone Neil Saunders and Ed Aldridge in the Grape for a few pints of shandy. Another one of those Edinburgh pubs created from a banking hall. I’m afraid it was a very much liquid supper tonight.