Looking for Foxes 9
15th February 2025
Our field pond continues to be a hub of activity, offering fascinating insights into the local wildlife. Fox sightings remain infrequent, but we were fortunate to capture a glimpse of a young fox near by. Interestingly, the moorhens, usually quite skittish, seemed completely unconcerned by its presence. This suggests they may be becoming accustomed to foxes, or perhaps the young fox was not displaying predatory behavior. Foxes, afterall, while often perceived as a threat, play a vital role in controlling rodent populations and maintaining ecosystem balance.
A heron also graced us with its presence. While it wasn’t observed fishing this time, it did wade along the pond’s edge before taking flight. Herons are opportunistic feeders, consuming fish, amphibians, and even small mammals. Their presence is a good indicator of a healthy pond ecosystem.
The moorhens were actively swimming, a behaviour often observed as nesting season approaches. Moorhens, members of the rail family, are known to build nests amongst reeds or in dense vegetation near water. Their frequent treks across the field to the neighbor’s pond likely indicate they are exploring different territories or resources.
A male and female pheasant also made several appearances. These ground-dwelling birds are common in many gardens and are often attracted to areas with seeds and insects.
As always, pigeons and rabbits were abundant. The rabbits, our most frequently observed mammal, were captured in a short video clip. Rabbits are herbivores and can be a significant food source for predators like foxes, but seemingly not ours, and birds of prey. The pigeons, some rather plump, were also spotted.
A flock of starlings descended upon the pond, some to feed and others to bathe. Starlings are highly social birds, often forming large flocks, and are known for their impressive mimicry skills. Seeing them enjoying the water on a sunny day was a delight.
Finally, a grey squirrel, another common garden resident, was spotted and photographed. Grey squirrels are opportunistic feeders, consuming nuts, seeds, fruits, and even insects. They are known for their caching behaviour, which helps disperse seeds and contributes to forest regeneration.

Time Line
00:00 Blackbird
00:03 Heron
01:55 Moorhens
02:16 Pheasant
02:39 Pigeon
03:09 Starlings
04:30 Fox
04:45 Rabbits
04:55 Squirrel