I have today off – weird, no idea what to do other than read, but finding a good place to read is not that easy. Room is large, but little natural light. Outside too hot (and I find I have no suntan oil), so may have to use one of the many nice sofa areas, which no one ever uses. I could also try using the PC, have also found one of the Axon guys has all 15 episodes of the first series of Desperate Housewives on a hard drive, but I think he has hired a car and gone out…..
Had a 40mins telephone conversation with Steve this morning, all over the Internet (we could hear each other and talk to each, no time delays and no cost and PRIVATE). Brilliant; wish I’d found it earlier. www.skype.com
Last night a few of us went to one of the Axon people’s houses for supper. I even got a taxi there, but a bit taken aback when the driver seemed to think I knew where I was going and asked directions. House a bit like West Africa – stone floors, security grills everywhere and an guarded entrance to drive to it and other houses on a small “estate”. Supper itself very nice. Tom, the Axon guy, had both Fri & Sat off, after working 7 weeks non-stop and long hours each day. Said he’d done very little except doze and go to the supermarket, but he looked loads better.
I have found a niche market here which could earn someone mega bucks. There are few barbers around and two lads who went recently both came back with Graham style haircuts, ie number 1 settings, which was not what they wanted. Then one of the others heard that the US Embassy flies in a barber once a month, so he booked an apointment three weeks ago. He came back (lousy haircut, looked better when it was longer) and announced it had cost him 80 dollars. Looks it, said someone, thinking he meant Jamaican dollars which would make it roughly 80p; no he meant US dollars!!!! Meena (girl) has been out here since October and has rather longer hair than I recall her having before. It’s strange because many of the Jamaicans have good haircuts, but perhaps the locals take colonial revenge on Brits hair…